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See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Lisa’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Lightroom预设2018年度约万组大师级调色艺术特效合集 Adobe Lightroom是一款以后期制作为重点的图形工具,Adobe的目标是将其打造成未来数字图形处理的标准,Lightroom的界面和功能与苹果推出的 Aperture颇为相似,主要面向数码摄影、图形设计等专业人士和高端用户,支持各种RAW图像,主要用于数码相片的浏览 Jan 14, 2021 - Explore Jelena Jadrić's board "Lisa Homsy", followed by 314 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about traveling by yourself, best instagram photos, travel style. Mar 29, 2021 - Explore Lisa Homsy's board "INSTAGRAM FEED - LISA HOMSY", followed by 8540 people on Pinterest.

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LISA HOMSY 🌟 Travel shared a post on Instagram: “Uber out of convenience but yellow cabs for the gram 🚖 Hello New York!! I missed all the honking,…” • Follow their account to see 1,511 posts. Los últimos tweets de @lisahomsy Gatta Bag x Lisa Homsy Q. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what inspires you? My name is Lisa and I am from Montreal, Canada. What inspires me is people, I love connecting, mingling and learning about people. Q. What made decide to become a full-time travel content creator? I have always had a passion for travel and photography.

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Hey it's Lisa! A little about me: I have always had a deep passion for traveling and photography. Over the years my passion for travel continues to stem from my endless curiosity of exploring new Lisa is‌ ‌a‌ ‌Canadian‌ ‌girl‌ ‌in‌ ‌constant‌ ‌search‌ ‌of‌ ‌sunshine!‌ ‌ ‌ She's ‌known‌ ‌for‌ ‌her ‌beautiful‌ ‌imagery‌ ‌and‌ ‌editing‌ ‌style‌ ‌that‌ ‌is‌ ‌sure‌ ‌to‌ ‌ignite‌ ‌your‌ ‌sense‌ ‌of‌ ‌wanderlust!‌ ‌ 由@lisahomsy创建,这个包在我到巴厘岛旅行(2017年1月)的整个过程中都经过了设计,我和我最好的朋友花了一个月时间。 这是我觉得我成长为摄影师和照片编辑的很多地方。 在那段时间,我设计了6个… The Ultimate Banff Itinerary: Best Things to Do in Banff in Fall - Lisa Homsy Banff is one of the best travel destinations in Canada with the hiking, views, and outdoor adventures. Banff in the fall is magical as you get the fall colors and maybe even snow.

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Hey it's Lisa! A little about me: I have always had a deep passion for traveling and photography.

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See more ideas about traveling by yourself, best instagram photos, travel style. Mar 29, 2021 - Explore Lisa Homsy's board "INSTAGRAM FEED - LISA HOMSY", followed by 8540 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about instagram, traveling by yourself, photo spots.

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Lisa Homsy's favorite one-click presets that she uses for all of her travel photos, selfies, and fun lifestyle memories! Add natural, vibrant colors to your photos with these mobile and desktop presets from Lisa Homsy. Join Lisa Homsy on a 7 day Influence Trip to beautiful South Africa! HOME. INFLUENCERS.

Adventures and fun on the beach with Lisa Homsy, as she goes snorkeling, parasailing and kayaking on her trip to Punta Cana. LISA HOMSY 🌟 Travel shared a post on Instagram: “Uber out of convenience but yellow cabs for the gram 🚖 Hello New York!! I missed all the honking,…” • Follow their account to see 1,511 posts. Los últimos tweets de @lisahomsy Gatta Bag x Lisa Homsy Q. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what inspires you? My name is Lisa and I am from Montreal, Canada.